CM compares the PP across all possible buy options: if a buy 10 option is better than any of the buy 1 options Cookie Monster will colour them accordingly. If the relevant option is enabled, CM will color-code each of them based on their value. Max ( cost - cookies in bank, 0 ) / cps + cost / Δ cps
CM uses the following formula to calculate the PP: CM will take everything in consideration, meaning if buying a building also unlocks an achievement which boosts your income, which unlocks an achievement, CM will know and highlight that building's value. Github Pages is hosted from the gh-pages branch What it doesĪt its core, Cookie Monster computes an index for both buildings and upgrades: the Payback Period (PP).
The master branch hosts the latest production version intended for general users.Īll development and pull requests should target the dev branch. If you need to be accompanied by hand to pick the best buildings to buy, it does that, but everything is an option. The mod helps you to whichever degree you want, if you only need some help shortening long numbers, it does that. It is not a cheat interface – although it does offer helpers for golden cookies and such, everything can be toggled off at will to only leave how much information you want. Cookie Monster is an addon you can load into Cookie Clicker, that offers a wide range of tools and statistics to enhance the game.